We hope you enjoyed our FALL NON-PROFIT BREAKFAST PANEL held on Friday, October 16, 2020.  If you were unable to attend, below is a summary. We hope to see you at the next one! As the sponsor of this series, ITDATA is committed to continuing the discussion.  Stay tuned for our next event!

Approximately 65 industry leaders attended the Zoom meeting titled: The Resilient Non-Profit: Moving Forward Through & Beyond a Pandemic

The panelists included:

•   Loree D. Jones:                                              Chief Executive Officer, Philabundance

•   Nadya K. Shmavonian:                                  Director Greater Philadelphia Nonprofit Repositioning Fund

•   Cynthia F. Figueroa:                                      Deputy Mayor Office of Children and Families (OCF) City of Philadelphia

4 Critical Ideas raised by the panel:

1.      Flexibility is required for success in this pandemic environment:  The needs of constituents has never been greater but the old ways of delivering services just won’t work anymore. This requires new operating models for increased efficiencies and new delivery systems that are adaptable in a crises like this one.

2.      Partnerships are becoming the new model: Many non-profit organizations are seeking partnerships to improve the focus on the mission and join with others who might create efficiencies in some weaker areas of operation.

3.      Board leadership is vital for success: Many of the successful partnerships required Board involvement and sponsorship from the beginning. Having a Board that can identify opportunities and understand the advantages of joining forces with another organization goes a long way to breaking down the barriers created by a typical philosophy of going it alone.

4.      Non-Profits need a clear vision and purpose: Most non-profits have diversified to adopt to new funding sources (“Chasing the dollars”). Successful partnerships require a strong focus on organizational purpose which will permit activities outside of that purpose to be well suited to a partnership model for efficiency and growth.

ITDATA specializes in technology solutions for non-profits. We can help you plan, budget and implement solutions that drive efficiency, effectiveness and data-driven decision making for improved results.

Interested? Please contact Ali Fisher at afisher@ITData.com for more information.

1628 JFK Blvd  ·  Suite 2110  ·  Philadelphia, PA 19103

330 West 42nd St  ·  Suite 1700  ·  New York, NY 10036
